How Much is SASSA Grant Payment 2023-24

The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) provides social assistance grants to qualifying citizens and permanent residents in South Africa. These grants help recipients meet their basic needs and improve their quality of life. With the rising cost of living, many South Africans rely heavily on SASSA grants for survival.

Recent Increases in SASSA Grants Announced for 2024/2025

In his 2024 budget speech, Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana announced that more funds will be allocated for inflation-linked increases to existing social grants. SRD grant will be increased from R350 to R370 (increase of 5.7%) while increase in the other grants is given below.

  • Old Age Grant (Below 75 years): Increased from R2,180 (April 2024) to R2,190
  • Old Age Grant (Above 75 years): Increased from R2,200 (April 2024) to R2,210
  • War Veteran’s Grant: Increased from R2,200 (April 2024) to R2,210
  • Disability Grant: Increased from R2,180 (April 2024) to R2,190
  • Care Dependency Grant: Increased from R2,180 (April 2024) to R2,190

These SASSA grant increases will provide much-needed relief for recipients facing rising costs of living. It demonstrates the government’s commitment to strengthening social assistance programs.

Monthly SASSA Grant Amounts for 2024/2025

SASSA Grant Increase for 2024-25

Here is an overview of the updated monthly grant amounts for existing SASSA grant categories:

Old Age Grant

  • 60 to 74 years: R2,180 from 1 April 2024, increasing to R2,190 from 1 October 2024.
  • 75 years and above: R2,200 from 1 April 2024, increasing to R2,210 from 1 October 2024.

Disability Grant

  • R2,180 from 1 April 2024, increasing to R2,190 from 1 October 2024.

War Veterans Grant

  • R2,200 from 1 April 2024, increasing to R2,210 from 1 October 2024.

Care Dependency Grant

  • R2,180 from 1 April 2024, increasing to R2,190 from 1 October 2024.

Foster Child Grant

  • R1,130 from 1 April 2024, increasing to R1,140 from 1 October 2024.

Child Support Grant

  • R510 from 1 April 2024, increasing to R520 from 1 October 2024.

Child Support Grant Top-up

  • R250 from 1 April 2024, no increase on 1 October 2024.


  • R510 from 1 April 2024, increasing to R520 from 1 October 2024.

These updated SASSA grant amounts provide much-needed assistance to millions of recipients dealing with rising inflation and cost of living.

Why SASSA Grants are Increasing & Number of Recipients

The key reasons for the SASSA grant increases are to provide relief for recipients facing high inflation levels and assist vulnerable groups:

  • Inflation Relief: Grants are increased periodically to help recipients afford basic necessities which have risen in costs due to high inflation.
  • Supporting Vulnerable Groups: Grants target groups like the elderly, disabled, children and veterans who need additional government aid.
  • Poverty Alleviation: Grants are a pivotal tool to reduce poverty and inequality for low-income households.

SASSA expects an increasing number of grant recipients over the coming years. Current projections indicate 19.6 million recipients by March 2026.

The two largest grants – Old Age and Child Support – account for nearly 70% of total grant expenditure. In 2024/25 alone, around 17.5 million beneficiaries will receive these two grants demonstrating their immense reach.

How to Check SASSA Grant Application Status

To Check SASSA Status of your grant application or existing grant, you can:

  • Call the SASSA hotline on 0800 601 011. Choose language and follow prompts.
  • Visit your nearest SASSA office for assistance.
  • WhatsApp ‘Status’ to 082 046 8553 and follow prompts.
  • SMS your ID number to 31666 (Max R1 charge).
  • Log into the SASSA SRD online portal and scroll to grant status.

Checking your status regularly for updates can help resolve issues promptly.

Additional SASSA Support like SRD and Foster Care Top-Up

Apart from periodic increases, the government provides additional SASSA assistance:

  • SRD Grant of R350 monthly to unemployed South Africans.
  • Foster Child Top-up of R250 to supplement the Foster Child Grant.

The SRD grant targets vulnerable groups while the top-up provides extra support for foster parents.

FAQs about SASSA Grant Payments 2023-24

What is the new monthly amount for the Old Age Grant?

The Old Age Grant has increased to R2,180 monthly from 1 April 2024 for those 60-74 years old. It will further increase to R2,190 monthly from 1 October 2024.

How much has the Disability Grant increased to?

The Disability Grant has increased from R1,990 to R2,180 monthly from 1 April 2024. It will further rise to R2,190 monthly from 1 October 2024.

What is the new monthly amount for the Child Support Grant?

The Child Support Grant has increased from R480 to R500 monthly from 1 April 2024. It will further increase to R520 monthly from 1 October 2024.

When will the new SASSA grant amounts be paid from?

The increased amounts will be paid from 1 April 2024 onwards. Some grants have further incremental increases from 1 October 2024.

How much is the War Veterans Grant after the increase?

The War Veterans Grant has increased from R2,000 to R2,200 monthly from 1 April 2024. It will increase to R2,210 from 1 October 2024.

What is the percentage increase for most SASSA grants?

Most grants have increased by approximately 5% this year, in line with inflation rates.

Will the Foster Child Grant amount change this year?

Yes, the Foster Child Grant will increase from R1,070 to R1,120 monthly from 1 April 2024. It rises further to R1,130 on 1 October 2024.

How much extra will the Old Age Grant be for those over 75 years old?

The Old Age Grant for recipients over 75 years is R2,200 monthly from 1 April 2024, rising to R2,210 from 1 October 2024.

What is the new amount for the Care Dependency Grant?

The Care Dependency Grant will increase from R1,985 to R2,180 monthly from 1 April 2024. It will further rise to R2,190 from 1 October 2024.

Will the Grant-in-Aid amount increase this year?

Yes, the Grant-in-Aid will increase from R500 to R510 monthly from 1 April 2024. It will further rise to R520 from 1 October 2024.

How much is the total Child Support Grant including the top-up amount?

The total is R790 monthly – comprising the standard R530 Child Support Grant plus a R260 top-up.

Is the Foster Care Top-up amount also increasing?

Yes, the Foster Care Top-up amount increases by R10 and becomes R260 monthly for now.

Do all grants increase by the same Rand amount?

No, some grants have larger or smaller rand increases based on their existing amount and the need.

How are the grant increases being funded?

The increases are being funded through the additional R30 billion budget allocation for social grants announced by the Finance Minister.

Why don’t grants increase by a fixed percentage every year?

The increases differ based on inflation rates each year and the fiscal budget available for social grant spending.


Through these SASSA grant increases and supplementary programs, the government continues demonstrating its commitment to uplifting vulnerable South Africans.

With rising inflation squeezing budgets, the extra relief provided by higher grants will be welcomed by millions of recipients who rely on this social assistance.

Checking your grant status and payment dates regularly can ensure you receive your monthly grant on time. Reach out to SASSA promptly for any assistance.

Going forward, progressive organizations like SASSA will remain vital in building a more just and equitable society.

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